Default Hot Keys


Many of the commonly used features in Cascadeur can be accessed using hot keys. This page lists every default hot key, along with their functions.

Hot keys can be customized using Hotkey Editor which is accessed by selecting Objects → Hotkey editor from the menu. This editor can also be used for setting hot keys for functions that do not have ones by default.

General Application Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys for accessing general functions of Cascadeur application

 Command  Hot key

 New scene

 Ctrl + N

 Delete selected



 Alt + F4

File Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys for manipulating files

 Command  Hot key


 Ctrl + O


 Ctrl + S

 Save as...

 Ctrl + Shift + S

 Save as new version

 Alt + Shift + S

 Import animation

 Shift + F7

 Export scene

 Shift + F8

View Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys for changing scene view mode

 Command  Hot key

 Switch edit modes


 Switch between Point Controller and Box Controller Modes

 Shift + S

 Switch extra Edit Modes

 Shift + C

 Hide selected

 V or ShiftV

 Make all visible

 Alt + V

 Show fixed set of trajectories


Selection Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys for selecting objects

 Command  Hot key

 Select all

 Ctrl + A

 Selector tool


Manipulator Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys for using Manipulators

 Command  Hot key





 Switch Global and Local modes


 Switch Relative to pivot mode

 Shift + Tilde

 Tail Mode

 Shift + E

 Translate tool move up

 Up Arrow

 Translate tool move down

 Down Arrow

 Translate tool move left

 Left Arrow

 Translate tool move right

 Right Arrow

Hiding Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys used for controlling Hiding Tool

 Command  Hot key

 Hide selected


 Make all visible

 Alt + V

Fixing Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys for fixing objects and for remove fixing from objects

 Command  Hot key

 Fix selected


 Remove fixing from selected


Timeline Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys used for manipulating Timeline

 Command  Hot key

 Add frames


 Remove frames


 Increase scroll bar max frame

 Ctrl + +

 Decrease scroll bar max frame

 Ctrl + -

 Add key frame/remove existing key frame


 Add/remove key frames on interval

 Alt + F

 Track Stretching Mode

 Ctrl + T

 Change to fixed tangents key

 Ctrl + F

 Change to fixed tangents keys to interval

 Alt + Ctrl + F

 Change to FK key

 Shift + F

 Change to FK keys on interval

 Alt + Shift + F

 Change to fulcrum key on interval

 Alt + Shift + R

Playback Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys used for playing back animations

 Command  Hot key



 Play/pause in key frame mode

 Ctrl + X

 To begin


 To previous frame


 To previous key

 Shift + A

 To next frame


 To next key

 Shift + D

Animation Track Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys used for manipulating Animation Tracks

 Command  Hot key

 Add track

 Ctrl + Shift + N

 Merge tracks

 Ctrl + E

 Move selected tracks down


 Move selected tracks up


 Add objects to track


Copy Tool Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys used for copying objects

 Command  Hot key


 Ctrl + C


 Ctrl + V

 Copy interval

 Ctrl + Shift + C

 Paste interval

 Ctrl + Shift + V

 Paste into interval

 Ctrl + Alt + V

Interpolation Hot Keys

This table lists hot key used for setting interpolation intervals

 Command  Hot key

 Bezier on selected interval

 Alt + B

 Bezier on current frame


 Bezier to double keys

 Ctrl + B

 Linear on selected interval

 Alt + M

 Linear on current frame


 Linear to double keys

 Ctrl + M

 Step on selected interval

 Alt + N

 Step on current frame


 Switch IK/FK on selected interval

 Alt + ,

 Switch IK/FK on current frame


 Switch IK/FK to double keys

 Ctrl + ,

 Change fulcrum

 Alt + R

 Iterative process


 Iterative process on selected interval

 Alt + F5

Filter Hot Keys

This table lists hot keys used for applying Filters

 Command  Hot key

 Attract to previous position: Selected frames

 Alt + G

 Attract to previous position: Current frame


 Attract to previous position: Selected frames (hard)

 Ctrl + Alt + G

 Attract to previous position: Current frame (hard)

 Ctrl + G

 Attract to inertial position: Selected frames

 Alt + H

 Attract to inertial position: Current frame


 Attract to inertial position: Selected frames (hard)

 Ctrl + Alt + H

 Attract to inertial position: Current frame (hard)

 Ctrl + H

 Attract to average position: Selected frames

 Alt + J

 Attract to average position: Current frame


 Attract to average position: Selected frames (hard)

 Ctrl + Alt + J

 Attract to average position: Current frame (hard)

 Ctrl + J

 Attract to inverse inertial position: Selected frames

 Alt + K

 Attract to inverse inertial position: Current frame


 Attract to inverse inertial position: Selected frames (hard)

 Ctrl + Alt + K

 Attract to inverse inertial position: Current frame (hard)

 Ctrl + K

 Attract to next position: Selected frames

 Alt + L

 Attract to next position: Current frame


 Attract to next position: Selected frames (hard)

 Ctrl + Alt + L

 Attract to next position: Current frame (hard)

 Ctrl + L

 Attract to interpolation position: Selected frames

 Alt + U

 Attract to interpolation position: Current frame


 Attract to interpolation position: Selected frames (hard)

 Ctrl + Alt + U

 Attract to interpolation position: Current frame (hard)

 Ctrl + U

 Attract to local interpolation position: Selected frames

 Alt + P

 Attract to local interpolation position: Current frame


 Attract to local interpolation position: Selected frames (hard)

 Ctrl + Alt + P

 Attract to local interpolation position: Current frame (hard)

 Ctrl + P

 Average AM frame


 Average AM selected frames

 Alt + I

 Average AM frame (hard)

 Ctrl + I

 Average AM selected frames

 Ctrl + Alt + I


See Also

Hotkey Editor

Interface Guide

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