Hotkey Editor


The Hotkey editor window allows for changing hot keys assigned to various functions in Cascadeur. It can be opened by selecting Hotkey editor from the Settings menu.


The Filter field is located at the top left corner of the window. As the name suggests, it can be used to find functions to which hot keys can be binded.

The window includes a number of lists, each containing names for several functions along with corresponding hot keys. The image above shows the Camera Orientation Tool list.

Managing Keys

Binding Keys

To assign a hot key to a function:

1. Find the function in the Hotkey Editor window.
This can be done either by browsing drop-down lists:

... or by using the Search feature that can be found at the top of the window

2. Left-click the name of the function to select it. A text field will appear

3. Press the key (or a combination of keys) you want to assign to the function.
The key you've pressed should appear in the text field

If the key you want to set is already used for some other function, this warning will appear:

Click Yes to reassign the key to the new function, or click No to leave it and choose another key

Removing Bindings

To remove a binding:

1. Find the function you need

2. Left-click the function to select it. A text field will appear

3. Click the cross at the right side of the field to remove the binding

Now, the key(s) assigned to the function should disappear from the list

Saving and Loading Hotkey Settings

Hotkey setups can be saved to external configuraton (*.ini) files, and loaded from these files.
For this, the Import and Export buttons are used; they can be found at the bottom left corner of the Hotkey window:

Loads hotkey settings from a configuration (*.ini) file.

Saves the current hotkey settings to a  configuration (*.ini) file.

Restoring Default Settings

Clicking the Reset to default button (located at the bottom of the window) will restore default key bindings.

Default key bindings are listed on the dedicated page.


See Also

Main Menu

Default Hot Keys


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