Rotate Manipulator Settings

Contains parameters for the Rotate manipulator.

Screen Rotator Fill Circle
If this option is enabled, the user can select the ‘outer circle’ (the circular border around the manipulator) by clicking the area between this circle and the main part (the three circles used for rotating selected objects) of the manipulator.
Otherwise, the outer circle can only be selected by clicking it directly.
Enabled by default.

Screen Rotator Multiplier
The scaling factor for the Rotation manipulator circles (the three circles used for rotating selected objects).
Set to 1.07 by default.

Screen Rotator Offset
The secondary scaling factor for the Rotation manipulator.
Set to 0.01 by default.

Update Cycles Count
The number of cycles (time per second) for updating the manipulator in accordance with the user input.
Set to 3 by default.

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