AutoPhysics Common

This section contains the set of general settings for the AutoPhysics tools.

Affine Apply Threshold
If the distance between the current Center of Mass and its position suggested by the simulation is smaller than this value, the position does not change.
Set to 0.01 by default.

Bounds Expansion
Defines how much the limits are expanded when calculating solution for ballistics.
If rotation on the last ballistic frame does not coincide with rotation in the original animation, increasing this value might improve precision.
Set to 10 by default.

Fix Additional Points Locally in Apply
If this is enabled, the simulation would fix local positions of some of the Additional Points on the fulcrum frames: if the fulcrums are at the character’s legs, the points above the waistline would be fixed; if the arms act as fulcrums, the points below the waistline would be fixed instead.
This is done so the character’s shoulders won’t be moving on such frames.
Disabled by default.

Fulcrum Smoothness Frame
The number of frames to interpolate Fulcrum Points for all AutoPhysics tools.
Set to 15 by default.

Ideal Snap
If this is enabled, AutoPhysics won’t restore Fulcrum Points when Physics Corrector, Smooth Rotation or Smooth Trajectory tools are used.
Disabled by default.

Number of Apply Iterations
Sets how many iterations are used to apply the changes on one AutoPhysics cycle.
The default value is 1.

Number of Ballistic Iterations
Sets the number of iterations used to calculate rotations for ballistic movements.
If rotation on the last ballistic frame does not coincide with rotation in the original animation, this value can be increased for better precision.
The default value is 1000.

Number of Simplex in One Dimension
Sets the number of 'source' points for calculating ballistics.
As with the previous parameter, if rotation on the last ballistic frame does not coincide with rotation in the original animation, this value can be increased for better precision.
By default, this parameter is set to 3.

Priority Frame Interpolation Frame
The number of frames to interpolate AutoPhysics ghost so there won’t be any differences from the input animation on a Priority Frame.
Set to 10 by default.

Recalculation Delay Milliseconds
The delay between user-made changes to the animation and recalculating the simulation.
Measured in milliseconds. Set to 500 (0.5 seconds) by default.

Restore Directions in Apply
If this option is enabled, Direction Controllers for the AutoPhysics ghost would have the exact same positions their counterparts had in the original animation. Can be useful when you need to keep the rotation intact even after physics is applied.
Enabled by default

Restore Unbound
This option enables and disables the Restore Unbound tool.

Show CM on interval
If this is enabled, the trajectory for the Center of Mass on the AutoPhysics ghost is only shown on the selected interval.
Disabled by default.

Start End Interpolation Frames
The number of frames used to interpolate the pose of the AutoPhysics ghost to keep the original poses at the first and last frames of the animation.
By default, it is set to 15.

Weight Angle Rotation
Sets the weight for keeping rotation intact. Increasing this value decreases alterations the algorithm makes to the rotation.
Set to 1 by default.

Weight Angular Velocity
Sets the weight for keeping the rotation axis unaltered.
Set to 1 by default.

Weight Last Frame Rotation
Set the weight for keeping rotation on the last frame intact.
Set to 200 by default.

Weight of Priority Frames
This value defines how much the character’s pose on a physics priority frame influences the AutoPhysics simulation.
Set to 200 by default.

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