View Menu

Switch view/edit modes
Switches the Viewport window between the View Mode and the current Edit Mode.

Switch edit modes
Switches the Viewport window between the Joint Mode and the current Edit Mode.

Switch node edit modes
Shift + S
Switches between the Point Controller mode and the current Edit Mode.

Switch extra edit modes
Shift + C
Switches between the Joint Mode and the Mesh mode (regardless of what Edit Mode is currently selected).

Set default FOV
Alt + 0
Restores Viewport FOV to its default value of 30 degrees.

Hide selected
Hides all currently selected objects.

Hide not selected
Shift + V
Hides all objects except currently selected ones.

Make all visible
Alt + V
Makes every object in the scene visible.

Show fixed set of trajectories
Fixes trajectories for all currently selected objects.

Applying this option to the objects with currently fixed trajectories removes the fixation.

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