Animation Unbaking Tool

This section contains parameters for the Animation Unbaking feature.

Clamp Preference
Sets priority for the Bezier Clamped interpolation over the regular Bezier interpolation. The higher this value is, the more will the algorithm try to use Bezier Clamped instead of Bezier.
Set to 0.5 by default.

Ik Preference
Sets priority for the Inverse Kinematics over the Forward Kinematics. The higher this value is, the more will the algorithm try to use IK instead of FK.
Also set to 0.5 by default.

Interpolation fingers Difference
Sets the maximum difference between the character’s fingers' original and interpolated positions. If the difference between these positions exceeds what is defined by this value, an additional keyframe is set for the fingers.
Its default value is 2.


For the fingers, Auto Interpolation always uses Forward Kinematics.

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