
What's New

  • Alpha version of the long-awaited dark theme

    • Themes can be switched in the Settings Window, in the APP panel

  • Rigging Tool Improvements

    • Numerous bug fixes

    • Improved stability of rig generation

    • Prototype rig elements are now visible by default

    • An option to generate a JSON file based on the prototype elements

    • Outliner no longer shows superfluous parts of the proto elements

  • An option to create Point Controller Edges

    • The option is currently available in the Objects → Point Controller Edges menu

  • AutoPosing improvements

    • Fourth AutoPosing layer has been added: elbows and knees now take the orientation of hands and feet into account

  • Fulcrum Point Tool Improvements

    • The tool now correctly works with physics priority frames

  • Reworked Import and Export Menus

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