Scene (Settings)

This section contains parameters that control how physics in the scene should be updated when the user makes any changes to the scene.

Additional Physics Call Coef
The number of additional physics iterations for updating the scene.
Set to 1 by default.

Average Model Size
(not used)

Background Color
(not used)

Call Physics for Stretch Frames
If this is enabled, physics is updated when the Track Stretching Mode is used.
Enabled by default.

Create New Layer When Creating an Object
If this is enabled, newly created objects are placed on newly created Animation Tracks. Otherwise, such objects are placed on the currently selected Track.
This setting is also available in the Commands menu.

Max History Size
(not used)

Sets the highest possible difference in the input data. If this value is exceeded, interpolation is recalculated. Can be used for optimizing the algorithm’s performance.
Set to 0 by default (which means that interpolation is recalculated in all cases).

Interpolate Iteration Number
(not used)

Interpolate Level
Sets how the scene should be updated when interpolation is calculated.
1 means the data graph is updated, and the data is interpolated in order set by the scene topology.
2 means that physics is updated, and the data graph is then rebuilt based on the changes in the data caused by updating the physics.
3 means creating caches to speed up future interpolations.
By default, it is set to 3.

Update Level
Controls how the scene data is updated when the frame is updated.
0 means no update is performed.
1 means the data graph is updated.
2 means that physics is updated.
3 means the data graph is rebuilt based on the changes caused by updating physics.
By default, it is also set to 3.

Update Iteration Number
The number of iterations for updating the physics.

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