Live Link for Unreal Engine


This feature allows Cascadeur to work in conjunction with Unreal Engine. Any change made in one software is immediately reflected in the other.

Enabling Live Link

To set up Live Link, follow these steps:

1. Open Unreal Engine

2. Open Cascadeur and open a scene with a character in it.
If you need the standard Unreal skeleton, we’d recommend selecting a character that uses it, such as UE5 Manny or UE5 Quinn.

3. Select Live Link from the Synchronization menu:

4. Go back to UE.
There, make sure that the Live Link addon is enabled.
Usually, it is enabled by default.
However, if it isn’t, turn it on and restart the engine

5. Open an animation you’d like to use with Live Link.
The character’s skeleton should be identical to the one in Cascadeur

6. Select Virtual Production Live Link from the Window menu:

7. The Live Link window will appear:

8. In this window, click Add SourceMessage Bus.

9. Select Cascadeur in the list that will appear.
Cascadeur might not be on the list instantly. In this case, wait a couple of seconds until it appears.

10. Close the window.

11. In the ue animation window, go to the Preview Scene tab (at the right side of the window).

12. On the Preview Scene panel, go to the Animation tab and set Preview Controller to Live Link Preview Controller:

13. In the Live Link Subject Name field, select a skeleton for the character:

Now, the setup is complete.
All changes you do to the character in Cascadeur should be reflected in Unreal:

Recording Live Link Animations

When a Cascadeur animation is played in Unreal Engine, it can be recorded.
To do this:

1. Open the Create Asset menu

2. Select Create Animation → Current Pose.

3. Set a name for the animation, and a path to store it.

4. Open this new asset.

5. Enable Live Link as described in the previous section.

6. Then, press Record.

7. Choose the path and save your animation.

After this, you should get an asset file containing your animation.

Live Link in Play Mode

You can also use Live Link when you press play in Unreal Engine.

To do so, you’ll need a character with an Animation Blueprint.
If your character does not have such a blueprint, you'll need to create it first.

Once the Animation Blueprint is in place:

1. Open it.

2. Create a node called Live Link Pose.

3. In this node, select the skeleton for the Live Link Subject Name parameter.

4. Connect the node’s output to Result:

5. Save the Animation Blueprint.

Now, when you enable the live mode in Unreal, you can then press Play in Cascadeur, the animation will be played back in the viewport.

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