AutoPhysics Geometrical Constraint

This section contains a set of parameters for the Geometrical Constraint.

Geometrical Constraint is an area on which the Center of Mass can be placed with the given set of Fulcrum Points. This area is calculated iteratively: by moving the fulcrum limbs along the axes of an ellipsoid representing these constraints, freezing the position of the root Joint. Iterations continue until the limbs’ relative positions and velocities start to change.

Max Norm for Relative Speed
Sets the maximum possible speed for the character’s limbs in relation to each other.
By default, this value is set to 0.1.

Minimal Delta For Geometrical Constraints
Controls the precision of the ellipsoid used for setting the positions of the character’s legs.
If the algorithm has to move the legs by a distance shorter that this value, positions are left unchanged 
Its default value is 0.001.

Minimal Norm of Jacobian to Stop IK Iterations
Sets the condition for stopping the simulation.
If solving the IK produces a norm of Jacobian lesser that defined by this value, the algorithm assumes that the border is found.
Set to 1 by default.

Number of Geometrical Place In Target Point Iterations
Sets the number of IK iterations used to set a limb to a given position.
Increasing this value produces a more precise result.
Set to 20 by default.

Number of Geometrical Search Bound Iterations
Sets the number of iterations for determining the border of the geometrical constraint.
Increasing this value increases the size of the ellipsoid.
Set to 100 by default.

Tolerance of Equality of Motion on Iteration
Sets the threshold used for each iteration of the process of determining the border of the geometrical constraint.
The default value is 5.

Tolerance of Equality of Total Motion 
Sets the threshold used for all iterations of the process of determining the border of the geometrical constraint.
Set to 10 by default.

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