Blend Shapes

Blend Shapes are used for deforming objects for animation purposes. They work by storing several shapes of the same mesh, and then ‘mixing’ them together to change the object’s appearance.
This feature is often used for facial animation, and for enhancing and refining skeletal rig by adding things like muscle motions.

Blend Shapes are applied to Meshes.


If you select a Mesh that has Blend Shapes, you’ll see a dedicated set of settings on the Object Properties panel:

The title of this tab will be Blendshape + (object name).

The content of this tab is the list of all blend shapes available for the object:

This example only has one Blend Shape.

Using Blend Shapes

Each item has a slider attached to it. This slider controls the influence the corresponding shape has on the object:

By default, every slider is set to zero.

When you import a 3d model that used Blend Shapes, don’t forget to check the Blendshapes option in the import dialog:

Otherwise, Cascadeur will ignore Blend Shapes .

When you export a Cascadeur scene, Blend Shapes are exported as well - along with their values.


See Also


Object Properties

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