Import FBX/DAE


Cascadeur works with various file formats that you can import from other software.

The following types of objects can be imported:

Import FBX/DAE

1. Select Import → Fbx/Dae from the File menu.

2. The FBX/DAE Import dialog window will appear:

In this window, you can set up parameters that define the exact way of how a file should be added to the scene.


Here, you can select one of the predefined setting schemes, each one optimized for a particular task.
There are several available variants:

Animation is for importing animation data to the skeleton hierarchy present in the Cascadeur scene.
Animation to selected frames imports animation data to the skeleton hierarchy present in the Cascadeur scene and applies it to the frames that are currently selected on the Timeline.
Animation to selected objects also imports animation data, but applies it to the currently selected objects in the scene.
Model is for importing only the 3d meshes without animation attached to them.
Scene imports the entire Casacdeur scene.


This section contains settings that define how exactly should the model be added to the scene.

Import to selected joints
If this option is enabled, the model is applied only to the selected Joints.
Can be used when, for example, you need to use different meshes for several identical skeletons.

Import to selected interval
If this option is enabled, the imported animation is applied only to the selected part of the Timeline.


This section contains settings that define what parts of the model should be added to the scene.

If this option is enabled, animation data from the imported file is applied to the current scene.

If this option is enabled, the 3d objects from the imported file are added to the current scene.

If this option is enabled, the blendshape data stored in the imported file is added with the imported 3d objects.

Once you’ve finished setting the import options, click the Import button and choose the file you’d like to add into the scene:

Import Textures

To add a texture to a model:

1. Switch to the Mesh Mode.

2. In the Viewport, select a mesh

3. Click the Bind texture button

4. Select the image file containing the texture.
Pngbmptga and jpeg image formats are supported.

After this, the texture should appear on the model

To remove a texture from a model:

1. Select the mesh.

2. Click the Unbind texture button

After this, the texture should be removed from the model

Animated Textures

You can also import animated textures. There are two ways to do this:

First, you can import a video file as a texture.
To do this:

1. Select File → Import → Reference video.

2. Select a video file.
Currently, only the .mp4 files are supported.

After this, a plane containing the video should appear in the scene.

This option is only intended for setting up animated references. It won't work with character models.

So if you'd like to apply an animated texture to a character, you should follow a different set of steps:

1. Prepare a sequence of images named something like this:
tex_000.pngtex_001.pngtex_002.png and so on.

2. In Cascadeur, switch to the Mesh Mode.

3. Select a mesh.

4. Click the Bind texture button.

5. Select every file you want to use for your animated texture.

After this, the texture should be applied to the model. One file of the sequence is equal to one frame of animation

Common Problems

Incorrect Scale
If a model is imported with an incorrect scale, this can be fixed in two ways:
You can scale the model manually, using the Scale manipulator
Alternatively, you can select the main joint and enable the Local Scale option in the Outliner window (on the Transform panel)

Error in pasting animation or timeline data
Make sure that your imported animation and the model in the scene have the same skeleton hierarchy (the set of joints).

The 'Animation', 'Animation to selected frames' and 'Animation to selected objects' presets import and apply animation data to the exact skeleton hierarchies present in the current scene and the animation file.

The animation may fail to import if the scene skeleton hierarchy’s joint order or naming scheme is significantly different.
If the skeleton in the animation file has the same naming scheme, but different proportions, the animation may get imported incorrectly.

The animation import can fail if the root objects (the first object in the skeleton hierarchy) in the scene and the animation file have different names, even though the rest of the joints are exactly the same. In that case, try selecting just the actual joint hierarchy of your character model and using the 'Animation to selected objects' preset.

If the animation import continues to fail, import the animation data with the 'Scene' preset into the current or new Cascadeur scene and compare the source and the target skeleton hierarchies. If their joint order, naming scheme or proportions are noticeably different, you may need to use the Retargeting tool to transfer animation between two different skeleton hierarchies.

Incorrect Import from Unreal Engine
If you are experiencing problems trying to import animation from Unreal Engine to Cascadeur, please consult this page.


See Also

Export FBX/DAE

Import Animation from Unreal Engine

Import from Blender

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