Different ways to hide objects

Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily hide some objects in a scene.
This can be done in several different ways!

For example, you can hide objects of the corresponding track. To do this, click on the icon of an eye next to the corresponding track.

You can also hide unwanted object types in the view mode settings. To do this, open the view mode settings menu by right-clicking on its name.

The next steps will describe how you can hide various individual objects.

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Hiding objects with hotkey

You can temporarily hide any objects in the scene.

  • Open a sample scene, for example UE5_Manny
  • Select any points.
  • Press the V hotkey to hide the selected objects.
  • Select one of hidden objects in the Outliner.
  • Press V to show the selected object again.
  • Press Alt + V to show all hidden objects again

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Hiding parts of the mesh

You can hide parts of a character's mesh if you hide the joints associated with that mesh.

  • Switch to the Joints mode
  • Select the joints of the character's arm.
  • Press the V hotkey to hide the arm joints.The meshes will be hidden as well!
  • Press alt + V to show all hidden objects again.

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Hidden and Invisible objects

You can also switch the visibility of objects in the Object Properties tab.

The value Hidden corresponds to the V key.

However, there is also a value Invisible. Objects with this value will not be displayed again when you press the Alt + V key.
To display objects with Invisible value again, you have to find their names in the Outliner and change the value in the Object Properties.

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FK behavior for body parts

You can hide parts of a character's skeleton, but you have to keep in mind that the hidden parts will still be affected by other parts of the skeleton, and different tools will be applied to them as well!

For example, if you hide a character's arm meshes and points and then you move the rest of the controllers, it will cause the arm's joints to shift!

Exactly the same displacement will occur if the arm is not hidden!

However, you can temporarily set the points to fk behavior! In this case, the hand will follow the body without deforming!


FK behavior is best used only when posing a character, and then return the IK behavior! Because fk type of rig behavior may not work correctly with other program tools, such as auto physics!

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