What is Tween Machine

Twin Machine is a handy tool for editing the position of an object relative to its position in neighboring frames.

For example, you have an animation of 3 keys.

Suppose that you want to change the acceleration of the object to make the animation more dynamic. To do that, you can change the position of the object in the middle key by moving the object closer to its position in the other key.

The twin machine allows you to automate such tasks by controlling objects with a slider!

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Editing Animation with Tween Machine

Use a simple animation to test how the twin machine works.

  • Open the scene 
  • Go to keyframe 10
  • Go to Point Controller Mode and select the dinosaur's tail point.
  • Open the Tween Machine tab, check the settings: Filter type - Previous/Next; Target - Current Frame; Mode - Global
  • Move the slider of the tween machine toward the previous key by 0.9
  • Select the dinosaur nose point and move it closer to the previous key by 0.3
  • Select the paws points and move the slider 0.3 to the previous key
  • Watch the animation

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