Editing moving pivot intervals

The Interval edit mode tool helps you edit animation on several selected frames at once. This tool also has its own modes and settings.
If you need to make the same changes to a group of frames, the Interval edit mode with moving pivot is the best choice.
Open the Chibi_jump_Final scene for the following tasks


  • Turn on the interval editing mode by clicking on the button. When the mode is on, the button is pressed down, and a red frame appears in the viewport.
  • Select all animation frames
  • Make sure that the Scene Settings in the Interval edit mode tab is set to Step and Moving pivot.
  • Select the character's head and turn it up.
  • Preview the animation: the character is now looking up in all selected frames!

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Editing intervals with a fixed pivot

In this mode, the changes will be applied to all frames, but relative to the selected pivot. This pivot will be the position of the character in the frame in which the changes will be made.
This mode is convenient for changing the direction of movement in the finished animation.

  • Select all frames of the animation
  • Enable the Interval edit mode  button.
  • Make sure that the Scene Settings in the Interval edit mode tab is set to Step and Fixed.
  • Go to the first frame and select the center of mass of the character.
  • Turn the character along one of the manipulator axes to change the direction of his movement.
* If you need to turn the character strictly in a certain direction, use the Fix angle setting in the Manipulators tab in Scene Settings!

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Modes of Interval Editing Curves

Depending on the choice of the curve for the Interval edit mode tool, there can be the same or slightly different changes applied to the selected frames.

In the Step curve mode, the changes are applied to all frames of the selected interval with equal strength.

In the Bezier curve mode, the maximum changes will be applied to the current frame of the selected interval. Frames that are further away will have lesser changes. This way, the animation will blend in with the changed gap.

In Linear mode, the effect of changes also diminishes as you move away from the frame in which they were applied. However, the shape of the curve will be slightly different, and the connections between the edited interval and the rest of the animation will be sharper.

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