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Global object copying
Backflip animation

Cascadeur allows you to quickly and easily copy positions of the objects. You can copy both the pose of the entire character as a whole, and the position of body parts separately.
When the global mode is selected, objects will be pasted exactly in the same place from which they were copied.

Open the Backflip scene for the following exercises.

  • Make sure that the Global mode of the manipulator is on
  • Go to frame 52
  • Select point controllers of the character’s left foot and press Ctrl + C
  • Keeping the selection, go to frame 53.
  • Press Ctrl + V - the foot will be moved exactly to the same place as it was in the previous frame.

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Local object copying

With Local copying, objects will occupy the same position relative to their parent as in the frame from which they were copied.

  • Set manipulator’s mode to Local.
  • Go to frame 59 and select point controllers of the character’s left foot (by double-clicking the hip point or by pressing 6)
  • Press Ctrl + C
  • Keeping the selection, go to frame 52 
  • Press Ctrl + V. The character's foot will take the same position relative to the body as in frame 59.

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Copying relative to pivot

You can copy the positions of objects not only relative to their parent, but also relative to any selected object. This is useful in animations where the character carries an object in his hands or on his back, or moves himself on a moving platform.


  • Click on the R icon next to the mode selection button
  • Go to frame 61, enable Mesh mode and select the post where the character lands.
  • Move the post to the side (there is no key on the post track for this frame, so you need to create it using the key button or hotkey F!)
  • Go to frame 59, turn on Point controller mode and select all points of the character.
  • Without deselecting, turn on Mesh mode and right-click on the mesh of the post. The manipulator's pivot should move to it.
  • Press Ctrl + C
  • Keeping the selection, go to frame 61 and press Ctrl + V. Character will move to the post again.

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