During its "Animation Week 2020", the popular American CG magazine ArtStation.com focuses on exciting news from the world of computer animation. Our 3D animation software Cascadeur should of course not be missing at this event.
In the following basic article, which we contributed to Artstation's animation week, we explain for which purposes and which users Cascadeur is intended - and how easy it really is to get started in Cascadeur: You can use Cascadeur right from scratch to give your characters flair ... Or, if you already have motion capture data or even finished animations that you want to modify with Cascadeur, you can do that too.
All that's needed is some rigging in Cascadeur to allow characters to be animated in the tool. It only takes minutes with the 'quick rigging' function that's built into Cascadeur for humanoid models. Then, make your character do almost anything - physically-correct of course - and export it back as an FBX or DAE file to Unreal Engine and Unity!
Read the full article on Artstation.com.